Week 7 - final week of term one
Week 7
Monday - we handed in our white on white folders today. Then we made reusable period pads for the pacha mumma project. The was just a one off thing but it was interesting and such a useful skill to use and it felt so good using my skills for something good to help someone else.
Tuesday - today we started by one of our colleagues teaching us about how to make fabric flowers and roses. This was interesting to do as there so many different ways to make them. I did two methods, one was with hot glue and one was just sewing. I didn’t love the hot glue method as it felt like cheating. We then moved on to one of my colleagues and my lecture teaching us how to heat setting to mold our fabric. This was it very repetitive though and I did get like strong burn on my fingers from how much it rubbed on my fingers.
Wednesday - today was which chilled out, now that we’ve finished white on white shirt we able to put all our efforts into our white on white dress. We spent our pattern cutting lesson learning 2 new techniques. The first was molding, this was very messy as we were using PVA glue to cover wet fabric; then we arranged them onto tinfoil and tried different ways of making different shapes. After this we then tried gathering and different ways we could gather fabric. We did a lot of hand gathering to make new and interring patters and shapes out of the fabric. Also testing things like whether it’s best to double up the thread and also what difference shapes could make.
After this we then breaker for half term.
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