Day 1 work placement

Day 1 work placement 

on the first day, I was really excited by the tasks I was giving as it was skills I have used at college that I could then implement into my work placement. the first skill was mood boarding and I enjoyed working from the clients inspirations to collate 3 initial mood boards, then I loved developing theses by going through the wall paper and fabric sample to pick out colours and textures that match the vibe of the mood board. 

In order to make the mood board, I was introduced to a new software that my company uses to make there mood boards for client called pages. I really like the software as I found it so easy to use and work on, it's similar to word but it's more creatives to use. I don't think I have mastered the skills using it yet but I do really want to develop it and create more from it. I had to use a strong leave of communication with my boss and client ignorer to full understand what was being asked of me, and to be able to meet the brief. I really enjoyed being able to speak to my boss about the client and ask questions from what she knew about the client as the inspiration sent in wasn't overwhelming. Overall I fell my communication level was really strong in this task as my boss said I hit the nail on the head with my mood boards. this was more of an independent task that didn't rely on anyone but me to complete to the best of my ability, but I did have to take notes from my briefing from my boss about what information she directly got from the client. 

As far as reliability goes, I feel I was really strong on it, I was able to contact my employer before hand about whether it was okay for me to film and take photography and she said on my arrival that I was perfectly okay to film as long as it didn't share any client information. I arrived early to then location to ensure I had enough time to get there and get my bearings. I was asked to take stock of her 300+ sample books which I really enjoyed because it allowed me to look through all of the book and familiarise myself with them myself with them. I didn't run into too many issues when creating moodpboard, the only issue was sharing from my device which was easterly over come by just changing how I send them. I did run into more issues with organising the stock as I had to find the book from the list then find in the slightly unorganised shelves but I found the best way todo it was to go section by section and tick it off the list. I was really organised from everything from my outfit to my arrival and pick up time. they dress quite smart with there day to day but still quite colourful which I really love and felt I fit in really well. 

I was able to arrive 10 minutes early and was let in and able to have a cup of tea and speak about the work and expectations before starting physical work. I left around 3.30 when dismissed and was able to make it to my natural dye course in perfect time. I was able to manage my time really well between task and took the initiative to ask my boss if she would like me to take her letter just downtime high street to post it. I also took the initiative to send my work in as soon as it was done rather than waiting to be asked for it, so I could get feedback and start new tasks. I really liked watching my skills translate from college to work and seeing how I can work on them ignorer to grow them more. I may approach my ordination differently now I know what i'm trying to achieve. I was initially thinking that I wouldn't enjoy inter design as I wasn't to sure what it was all about, however, now I’m more aware of what they do, I really enjoyed mood boarding and I’m look forward to see what I else they have to offer. I did see interior design as a back up plan however, I’m wondering if this placement might change my design.  I do really like the creative freedom of picking and choosing what designs I like and don't like and what I feel will work best based on my client brief. I haven't had the opportunity yet to speak to a client or be involved in a meeting but I'm hoping this will be another aspect to which I will enjoy. 


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