Week starting the 18th of February

Week starting the 18th of February 

This week in pattern cutting we first started with how to make a dress, including breifly looking at a empire wait, normal waist and dropped waist which is very exciting as dress are something I’ve really been looking forward to as I’m really considering a career in design, especially wedding dresses. We then moved onto looking at how to make a garment 3D using a variety of method but today we fixed on horse hair/crinilin. I actually found this rather challenging because I was really struggling with my concentration in class. 

Continuing on with how to make 3D garments, we began to look at boning, including different types as well as different ways of attaching, this was something I really enjoyed and felt I could really sink my teeth into the concept and how it works.

In a separate note, we began working in our assigned groups for researching the dress reform movement. We briefly looked over our assigned topics and discussed are a group who would be doing what and delegating tasks. I’m overall okay with my group although I am with people I’ve worked with before and would like to try and work with different people in order to learn how best to work with different people. I am excited to look into the dress reform movement and find out about how fashion became what is it today, not only as a fashion designer but as a women. 

In textiles and design this week, we started with our presentations all about where the clothes in our wardrobe came from, I choice a dress out of my wardrobe that I didn’t wear as I felt it was my example of fast fashion because I don’t wear it and only brought it because it was on sale. Overall, I really liked how I presented my presentation at I used a large sheet of A1 paper rather than a power point because I wanted it to be clear rather than a power point. I also felt I was able to say most of things I wanted to say, I was slightly worried I would forget something as I didn’t want to take any separate paper up to read off of because feed back I got from my previous presentations was I was reading off my script too much so I didn’t want that to be a repeat. I do feel I could have slowed down and shared more of the facts rather than just the story lines but it’s something to work on for next time. As far as my content went I was shocked by what I found out and how much factory’s in the area I studied were effected by poor pay, long hours and underage workers and how companies are so secretive about this. In the other hand, I was even more shocked that they were just abandoning Myanmar (the country in which the factory’s were in) and there workers meaning they can’t survive without the wage even if it was small to start with. 

After presenting our presentations we were able to have a look at each other books and have a look at the research our colleagues were able to produce, this gave me and good idea to the standards we as group are working towards. After we moved on independent study, where I started with collecting plastics that I could use for testing and samples in my book, which I haven’t started testing on yet. I then moved onto weaving on a loom with wool which took a little while to get use to however after I got the hang of it was really therapeutic. I also got my marks and grades back from my lecture which i was over joyed with as I achieved way over what I expected to get. Finally to end the day, I was able to have a look at a book all about natural dying which links in really nicely with sustainability because they could be released into water sources and not be damaging to people or water sources. 

This week in digital we continued to work on our VOGUE magazine covers. In order to develop our covers we started with peer feed back to give use something to work on. We then continued to learn about using a grid and learning how to have a grid show up on our screens so that we can aline our text. I learnt that it is really hard to see the grid on illustrator and it’s much easier to see on photoshop.
Once’s finishing this I was able to start a new page for my blog which was very exciting and I was able to redesign my main page and start posting. I had to do this as my storage was full. 
To finish my Friday, in photography we continued with the theme discombobulated but started to make rectangle (milk carton shapes) to use in photoshops for the next coming weeks, how exciting! 


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