Week starting 4th march

Week starting 4th march 

I really enjoyed pattern cutting this week. Due to trains disruption we had a smaller class but we were able to experiment with adding shapes onto garments and see how these could translate to ready to wear garments. I really enjoyed the creative freedom and how you can have theses interesting shapes in garments that are day to day wear. I had the opportunity to look at the magic of pattern cutting books which were so inspiring and gave me and whole other side to look at with in my pattern cutting. I liked how tactile I could work with making patterns out of paper first with just basic skills I learnt just in primary school. I want to develop these paper samples into fabric sample and test how best they work and on where in the garment you could put them. Some people may struggle with the problem solving but I really enjoy working out the best ways to do things and how this could impact or change depending on the design.

We did start to work on dissolvable fabric but were quickly changed by careers talks, which I have a separate post about.

On Wednesday, it was all about designs and creating final designs for our sustainable project. We started by sharing our designs, with our group during tutorials, and our lecture went through our designs and discussed any issue or things she felt we could change. We were all sent back to drawing board to rethinking our designs and develop them on to be something more, I did really like my design but I feel with my feed back I was able to make it flow more and create more of a strong design. 

In digital this week, we did a recap on the skills we’ve previously learnt in photoshop and illustrator, and we create fashion flats of our sustainable garments. We did this in oder to have a firm foundation for starting indesign after the easter break. 

Finally, in photogragphy we started shooting with our tetra packs and I played helping hand this week in my collueges shoot by throwing fabric and help setting and changing the set. 


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