13th- 19th May

Monday - I started by working with some sample test of how I would make my final. My first challenge was making the spikes, I began by using nylon boning and sewing it to an under bodice but I found to is was too flimsy, I I changed to recovered plastic boning which help the shape really well. I did use a stretch fabric which would be different to my final just to test out how I would work out the stretch percentage and how that would work out for what I needed for my final which was relatively simple.

Tuesday - we started by working as a group to have a meeting and figure out where we all were. So we could all start toileing together. We started by working out how to reduce our bodice by the amount of stretch percentages which was 50% stretch. And we tried photo copying it smaller to with a 25% reduction which didn’t work and came out too small but it gave use a strong place to start working from. Some of my group began testing out tubing and the kind of sizes we would need to use which we worked out we could add in channels which worked really well. I helped Lucy make the pattern for her skirt by cutting and flattering the whole skirt and adding “spike” like tips on the sides of her panels to allow for the shape to work. I then helped lilah make her skirt pattern which was also a cut and flare job but we had to cut and flare just below the dart so that it could still be fitted.

Wednesday and Thursday are included in there own posts. 

Friday - during digital I just continue to add photos to my look book and also starting to map out my page layouts, which was a lot more time consuming then I first anticipated and has given me a lot of respect for graphic designers who do this full time.

Photography- this week in photography which did some written work about Calvin Dolleys work and how boarder effect our lives which I have included here: 

To me borers are the lines between the sane and broke. The boarder between the my personality and the persons next to me. A boarder is what divides us and makes us stand out, is this a good thing though? Should we build up our boarder to protect ourselves? Or should be break them down to help others. Work by Calvin Dolley express the physical boarders which I feel shows our we as groups build boarders around us to make us feel protected.is this the physical equivalent of the boards we use to dived us from the person next to us. How far is our free moment of movement? Does this extend to out house and how far we walk around it? Or maybe it’s the freedom we must walk down the street. When our movement is resisted, we begin to suffer and struggle and fight to break out of our captures hold. We feel this ideology in our mind and body. But we a see a physical translation with war, when we see people fight for their freedom of movement as individuals and for others who don’t have the physical capacity to fight. Calvin Dooley looks at the none violent approach to how our moment has been restricted by boarder and I think this showcase how our freedom of movement can become more and more restricted over for example with bexit and how we are now restricted within our own country. Physical Boundaries are something we hold around us. Something we rely on as we on when walking down the street, this invisible boundaries between you and the person walking next to you. But how long will we have the physical distance between us when our freedom of movement it taken. We set emotional boundaries with our partners, friends and family. When this emotional boundary is crossed, we are hurt and we build out borders higher and higher. Is this right? With things like violence happening more and more every day, how is this boundary being crossed? This leaves with the question will these boundaries last forever? Will we lose our freedom of movement will this mean we build our emotional borders higher? Will this will lead to boundaries becoming a thing of the passed.

This was to teach us how to reference and reflect This was to teach us how to reference and reflect


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